Foldr Zen Zone

Knowledge Base

Importing the Virtual Appliance into Citrix XenServer

Download Foldr-latest-xs.ova and save it locally on a workstation running the XenCenter client.   Select **File >> Import** from within XenCenter.  Proceed through the deployment wizard selecting a host and storage repository.  Once imported, you can power the virtual machine, mid-way through the initial boot sequence you will have to agree to the EULA to proceed.

XenTools – By default XenTools are not installed.  If you wish to install these drivers for optimum performance, you must firstly power down the VM, attach a virtual optical drive in XenCenter and select the built-in ‘xs-tools’ ISO.

Once the VM has booted you can install XenTools by running ‘install-xen-guest-utils’ command when logged into the VM console.

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Declutter, Focus, Zone In. Repeat.

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